ESG Insider Questions the ESG Path

I enjoy reading Tariq Fancy's thoughts on ESG. His writing presents an insider view that is part academic and part storytelling. His pessimism is sobering. My evolving take on ESG is:
1) While flawed, and we definitely need better metrics and reporting, getting corporates to be conscious about ESG is ultimately a good thing.
2) Because large corporates are the biggest offenders of environmental and social sins, they are also the ones with the largest potential to reverse their sins, so action is critical.
3) I agree with Tariq that we must have more government intervention and stricter governance of environmental and scoial issues.
4) Just like building a structure to be stormproof is more prudent than fixing the structure after the inevitable storm, building companies to be ESG-oriented from day 1 is easier than retrofitting ESG principles after a company scales. I'm really excited by an emerging class of startups that are both mission-driven and attentive to ESG principles from the beginning.


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